Hi my name is jackie leng, currently 15 years old from china 【please don't be racist】 and I am an CSer, being playing it for a long time has being my favorite game of all time, I love collecting Csgo skins and other game collections, I would like to trade on steam and could trade overpriced for some of the items, Of course, for safety concerns I would not trade on any other websites, or trade letting anyone being in the middle, just you and me trading 1 on 1, it's good for you and good for you and it's fast. I will not accept Scammers and I am not an scammer myself since I have experience in all this, but whatever, I mainly collect CSGO items.
Games we could play together
Killing Floor
Rainbow 6
Dead Island
Check Out My Steam Account And See What Can We Play
i can see you, and i am going to steal all yuor money in your wallet
Please dont't say that games are usless and stupid, cause i will prove that it isn't, first games aren't as superficial as you thought it is, there is many types of games and many things included in them, they have souls, real living souls, took so much money and so long time and so many people's sweat and blood. Games aren't easy to play as well, many people think it's so easy, but it's not, you need to use your brains alot to combine the use of keyboards, you need to think about tactics and controls, and need to communicate with your team-mate, it requires intelligence, with all that, and vitality to focus and compassion toward the game and courage for trying new game and of course sensitivity to care about small details.